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Garden Central
A shrine to all things green
Auckland’s largest house plant retailer, our garden centre is a treasure trove of all things potted.

the pot room
Our huge, beautiful range of recycled containers & artisanal pots for plants will complement your green babies & add extra style.
Located on the corner of Church Street and Mountjoy Place Onehunga, you will find a garden lovers’ paradise. Church Street Garden Central is quite literally packed to the rafters with luscious houseplants, from the crowd-pleasing favourites to the more exotic. Fronds hang from the ceiling while shelves, surfaces and all available floor space are covered in loads of fabulous, expertly curated planters and pot collections.
If you’re on the hunt for luscious, healthy plants, appreciate a diverse, quality selection, and value the help of knowledgeable staff, Church Street Garden Central is the place to go.
Connecting people with plants
The range and quality of plants at this independently owned garden centre are truly spectacular. The largest houseplant retailer in New Zealand, Tania, Mark and their team are also specialists in hedging, subtropicals, ground covers, edibles and all things gardening. You’ll find the Landscape for Less selection of trees and shrubs in the expansive outdoor area.
What our customer say
“Love this shop, jungle vibes as soon as you walk in. Huge range of indoor plants and some outdoor.”

food & fixes
Indoor plants need proper feeding to help them grow healthy, and beautiful and look stunning all year round.

Usually associated with outdoor gardening, a layer of mulch can make your landscape beds look really sharp, but that is just an added bonus.
Foliage for that feel-good factor
A wonderful place to explore, it is the perfect destination for landscapers, home gardeners, and apartment dwellers needing to feed their plant obsessions.
Walk into this funky 50s-style warehouse and you’ll remark on just how good it feels. Just about everyone does. Full of surprises at every turn, the jungle relaxed vibe makes this retro garden centre Auckland’s special go-to gardening destination.
Church Street Garden Central has been designed specifically to suit the gardening needs of green and not-so-green-fingered Aucklanders. If you’ve got a question about plant care or gardening queries on what to grow where and how, just ask!
Help with greening your world
Don’t let limited space put a damper on your passion for planting. Regardless of where you live, or how much space or gardening experience you have, the plant professionals at the Church Street garden centre in Onehunga can help with everything gardening to transform your living space into an extraordinary space.